Bayas M. M.

Development of a coordination method for effective decision-making in a hierarchical multilevel industrial system = Розробка координаційного методу для ефективного прийняття рішень в ієрархічній багаторівневій промисловій системі

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Номер документа в системі:301919
Автор:Bayas M. M.
Назва документа:Development of a coordination method for effective decision-making in a hierarchical multilevel industrial system = Розробка координаційного методу для ефективного прийняття рішень в ієрархічній багаторівневій промисловій системі
Мова документуАнглійська
АннотаціяIn modern conditions of manufacturing the ever increasing size of enterprises leads to objective changes in the interdependence of their subordinated structures. The resulting complexity requires modernization of the process management systems. One important direction task in this modernization is the development of effective methods of coordination. Therefore, this article addresses the problem of coordination in decision making among a group of autonomous production units. The object of study is the local decision making process on a dairy plant, which operate with three production lines. The subject of study is the coordination of operations when there is only one packaging machine. The objective of this work is to increase the overall effectiveness index of a system of production units by means of optimal resource allocation and synchronization of operations of technological processes. For effective coordination it is proposed a method that ensures the optimization of processes while considering t
Кількість сторінокP. 79-85. (№1)
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