Turpak S. M., Taran I. O., Ostrohliad O. O.

Improvement of a system controlling a process of railcars unloading in the context of changes in temperature mode while operating = Удосконалення системи управління процесом розвантаження вагонів в умовах зміни температурного режиму роботи

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Номер документа в системі:355986
Автор:Turpak S. M., Taran I. O., Ostrohliad O. O.
Назва документа:Improvement of a system controlling a process of railcars unloading in the context of changes in temperature mode while operating = Удосконалення системи управління процесом розвантаження вагонів в умовах зміни температурного режиму роботи
Мова документуАнглійська
АннотаціяContext. The problems of cost minimizing for the delivery of raw materials, fuel and materials, while meeting all the requirements of end user in terms of transportation, condition, quality and amount of the cargo, the compliance of the rolling stock with the equipment of unloading points, etc. are still the key problems of efficient transportation management. A problem to improve a system controlling a process of cargo operations performance at industrial enterprises during the cold season, when well-managed process is considerably complicated by the influence of stochastic fluctuations in the environmental temperature remains to be topical one. Delivery cost experiences significant increase due to the growth of power consumption for the cargo defrosting. The objective of the paper is to improve a system controlling a process of railcars unloading in terms of expectations of the negative changes in the temperature mode owing to optimization of the railcars distribution among the unloading points byt
Кількість сторінокP. 183-191.
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