501 Web Site Secrets eb ®: Unleash the Power of Google : ®, Amazon , ®, eBay , ®, and More

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Íàçâà äîêóìåíòà:501 Web Site Secrets eb ®: Unleash the Power of Google : ®, Amazon , ®, eBay , ®, and More
Âèäàâíèöòâî:Wiley Publishing, Inc.
гê âèäàííÿ:2004
Ìîâà äîêóìåíòóÀíãë³éñüêà
Àííîòàö³ÿWhat kind of secrets are included in 501 Web Site Secrets? Well, there’s parts of a site you didn’t know existed. Or ways to use the site that you weren’t aware of. Or special commands that help you get even more out of the site than you could before. Cool stuff like that—and more. That’s the nature of a secret—something that most users don’t know about, but would get a kick out of if they did. These are the kinds of things that will make you say to yourself, “That’s cool—I didn’t know you could do that!” And then you’ll want to go directly to the site to try the secret out for yourself. (Go ahead; it’s allowed.) Of course, not all 501 secrets in this book will be new to you. If you’re Internetsavvy at all, you’ll probably know some of what I reveal in these pages. That’s okay; it only means that you’re on your toes. I’m sure, however, that you’ll find more than a few secrets you didn’t know, and that they’ll make this book a worthwhile read for you. To be fair, many of these secrets are
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